Hair Fall Remedy For Healthy Hair Growth

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Hair Fall Remedy For Healthy Hair Growth

The hair is not just a part of your body and it is a symbol of beauty, status and health. It is important for you to take proper care of your health in order to prevent early hair loss. Hair loss is a common concern these days for both men and women who are in their mid to late adulthood. Many people are suffering from baldness, receding hairline, hair loss and thinning of hair. Even though hair loss is very commonly seen in men here are many females too who are prone to this problem. The regular use of treatments like hair dyeing, hair straightening and curling which leads to many harmful chemicals being used on the hair is one of the main reasons why females also feel hair loss at some stage in their life. Some of the other factors that are responsible for hair loss in humans according to the American Academy of Dermatology are: poor diet, improper care of the hair, health disorders like thyroid and anemia problems, inborn conditions like menopause and alopecia and also due to chemotherapy and certain medications.

It is not a very serious problem and with a little bit of caution you will be able to prevent further hair loss. It is ideal for you to look at various herbal and non expensive remedies to treat your hair loss problems rather than going for excess use of harsh chemicals or expensive hair transplant treatments or even drug therapies that will aid in hair growth. Why not give herbal remedies a try as it is a cheaper, safer and gentler way to stimulate hair growth on your scalp. The following are the top 10 herbal remedies based on tradition and modern research that you can try out to enjoy hair growth.

Top 10 Herbs For Healthy Hair Growth

8.    Horsetail Horsetail is a very important herb that will help in strengthening nails, bones and hairs. Silica is one of the main ingredients present in the long brush like featured horsetail that will provide the necessary strength to the hair and will prevent it from thinning or breaking. It will also help in preventing further hair loss. Horsetail is one of the common ingredients used in many hair conditioning products that you buy in the markets.

9.    Saw Palmetto Saw Palmetto has been in use for ages to treat baldness. It is one of the well known herbs that will prevent the conversion of testosterone into dihydrotestosterone which will result in quicker hair loss. Saw Palmetto is found to be more effective in reducing the thinning of the hair and receding hairline when used along with stinging nettle herb.

10.    Panax Ginseng The popular Chinese herb is a natural herbal remedy for a lot of health problems including hair loss. Ginseng is very effective in treating baldness and will help in hair re-growth. It will help in nourishing the hair and also boost the strength of the hair. It is one of the main ingredients that you will find on most hair tonics or hair shampoos.

Are you worried seeing receding hairlines as well as baldness to appear on your scalp? Do you want to improve the thickness of your hair as well as improve the growth of the hair? If you are one among the many who is looking for the right herbal tips that will help with hair growth  the natural way, then you need to try out some of the above mentioned herbal remedies to reduce your baldness and to grow strong hair on your scalp.