INTRODUCTION:- The liver is the largest organ in the body and acts as a well – equipped biochemical laboratory where practically metabolism of all the nutritional substances examples- carbohydrates, proteins , lipids , vitamins and minerals , takes place as well as heat is produced. situated in the right upper quadrant of the abdominal cavity. In the living human being the liver is reddish brown in colour, soft in consistency and very friable it weight about 1600 Grams in male and about 1300 Grams in female. the liver perform secretary and excretory both characters liver made up of liver cells called hepacytes and a system of blood vessels. Physiogicaly liver consist of many lobs which consist of larger number of many lobes which consist of larger number of lobules. Each lobules is a honey comb like structure. The liver cells are arranged in difference plates, each plate is one cell thick with a central vein. In between the cells present canaliculi and each lobules in shrouded by portal prides. The portal piads consists o f branch of hepatic arty, branch portal vein and a tributes of bile duct. In between the plates the sinusoids are presents. the sinusoids receives blood from a branch of portal vein and a branch of hepatic artery of the portal piad thin sinusoid line by endothelial cells. It has few macrophage cells called KUPFFER’s cells. The liver in enclosed in a thin inelastic capsule and incompletely covered by a layer of peritoneum
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