Chikitsa Seva Award by Hon’ble CM of M.P Shri Babulal Gaur. on 6th Sept 2005 In MGM Medical College Indore.
Expert Speaker by Govt. Homoeopathic Medical College Bhopal, through Dr.S.K.Mishra Pincipal of the college.
Best Writer Award By Arpan Samrpan Allopathic Magzine for Homoeopathy through Hon’ble Dr.Girija Vyas Speaker Congress & Hon’ble shri C.S. Chadhha, Vice Chancellor, DAVV Indore.
Dhanvantri Award on March 20th 2005 in Ujjain By Hon’ble Shr Raghav Ji Minister of Finance Govt. of MP
Chkitask Ratna on October 6th 2004 in New Delhi By Dr. JVG Krisnmurty Ex Election Commissioner.
Gold Medal By Hon’ble Shri M.S. Shivankar Minister of Finance Govt. of Maharastra in 1997.
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